Wednesday 24 February 2010

Oh no, "sex addiction"

Yeah. Right.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought Humans were genetically pre-programmed to fuck, and to want to fuck?

That's kind of what keeps us going - the Human race. You have some sex, and generally unless you are careful it ends up in a bawling dependent cash sucking life changing affair - a child. Pretty sure that's how nature intended it to be, and ensuring that generally it's pretty awesome fun makes sure that we keep pumping out those kids.

Traditionally you are supposed to really do this with someone you quite fancy, and want to actually hang around with for quite a bit, sometimes you are even supposed to marry them and live with them, and get a job, buy a house and even purchase food and essential stuff to bring up the child and almost look after them until they are at an age where you can throw them out and go on world cruises or start an adult education course to try and kid yourself that you still have something left to give in your life.

Now it used to be that if you had sexy time with anyone other than your long term partner and got found out, you were a cad and a bounder, and had to do lots of grovelling and apologising and go through that awful stage where you couldn't actually justify what you did, but just had to say things like "it didn't mean anything" and "it was a stupid thing to do, I was drunk". Sometimes you also had to try and expand the excuses to try and justify doing this thing on many different occasions and that got harder: "I was feeling really low and she/he just lavished attention on me, it was stupid, I should never have put what we have at risk" "the affair only lasted while we were going through our bad patch" "I've always loved you but I thought we were going to split up anyway" etc etc.

What it comes down to though really is that people love to have sex with other people. And new people offer a variety of genitalia that is both interesting and different to the usual bits you have seen for the last few years. Initially that's awfully exciting and fun, but don't kid yourself - it'll be just as predictable and samey in a few years also, and it'll complicate your life real quick if you decide to start checking out other peoples bits.

So recently when people have been caught out for poking stuff in other stuff, or having their stuff poked by other stuff, they can pull this "sex addiction" thing to explain why they did it: They didn't actually want to, it's just that their mind told them to. And it's their mind's fault - they don't even like that kind of stuff anyway. Result: expensive therapy and many hours of talking with a bespectacled professional about why they wanted to have so much sex all the time, and being told it was because you were staved of love when you were younger, and that checking out that copy of your Dad's Razzle that was at the back of his wardrobe gave you a warped sense of what was acceptable in a relationship.

I'm pretty sure I can work out why it is that people shag without the shrink: People like it.

People also like attention. And people love knowing that someone wants to have sex with them, unless it is some absolute hound, and even then it'll probably make you at least feel rather good that someone out there actually still wants you.

So if you get someone who has lots of people wanting to have sex with them, and they have periods of time where they can indulge in that sex without their significant other wondering where the hell they are, chances are they will have that sex. And then have some more. The more people that want to have sex with you, generally the more you'll think that you are pretty damn awesome, and start to think that you are some kind of sex deity. This will increase the chances that you'll have that affair. But you can at any time always say "no thanks', even though increasingly there seems to be more and more public people who think that actually it would be much better to just do it anyway.

Why there now has to be some kind of label for this I don't know. Everyone wants to have someone wanting to play about with their bits. The thing that stops most non single people from going ahead with some serious sex when it becomes apparent that there is someone there willing to do stuff is the fact that they can think "hold on a minute, as nice as that would probably be, I really shouldn't because actually, I'm in a relationship, and it would be pretty nasty to my other half (who I kind of love), and I'm sure I wouldn't like it happening to me".

Sometimes if you aren't perhaps that bothered about your other half, or if you simply think that you could probably get away with it, and don't really care too much about what happens if you get caught, you'll probably end up in a situation where you might be having that sex with that person. On occasion it can be a good thing as it can drag you out of a crap hole relationship. But always best to remember that it shouldn't really be done when you are actually with someone you DO want to stay with. That would be dumber than dumb.

Also, some people get a lot of good feelings from feeling wanted. And if they are in a situation where perhaps they feel unwanted or undervalued or are just starved of attention, when someone comes bowling along and makes it clear they are interested in the contents of their pants, it can make them feel rather good.

If you do get caught, just be honest - tell them that you like sex, and the person you had that sex with also seemed to like it. And also probably that the reason you had that sex is because it seemed like a great idea. Don't tell them you have a "sex addiction". You more than likely just have an addiction to adulation and attention from others.

Stay at home and have a wank instead. That way you can keep out of the papers and save yourself thousands of pounds in therapy while you are told that the key to your happiness and well being isn't found in your cock, or alternatively loose half of everything you have in the divorce courts.

"Sex addiction" - a modern take on just being a cunt.

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